Sunday, 24 April 2011

Module 4 Chapter 2

While Chapter 1 is still ongoing i have been working on the stitched samples for Chapter 2. i chose two flower shapes freely drawn. A postage stamp size was recommended, hence the stamp to show scale!
#1 3D wire work, i can't tell you how pleased i am with this sample!! i got very carried away although the lesson to be learned is never let an 11 year old boy near your work as what was a 3D piece ended up as 2D till i squealed at him and readjusted it!! the background is satin stitch with stem stitch outline.
#2 rococo stitch one of my favourites. here worked on canvas although most of the pieces i have studied appear to be worked on a counted linen.
#3 detached needlelooping of various kinds.
#4 long and short stitch.
#5 a slip with a couched thread to neaten the outline.
#6 using waste canvas.
#7 a sample based on a stumpwork stitch which uses a silk wrapped bullion thread. in the original the loops lie flatter to the fabric and i think this is because it is a steel wire without any spring unlike the modern silver one.
#8 chain stitch
#9 padded satin stitch. i used felt for the padding.
#10 Kantha stitch.
#11 speckling and running stitch outlined in stem stitch.
above shows the working method of the waste canvas flower.
above the slip cut out but before applying to the ground fabric.
above shows the wire outline couched in place before the needleloop stitches were worked. i followed 'Beginner's guide to Stumpwork' by Kay Dennis and Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery stitches was invaluable.

Total 36 hrs.

Authentication Module 3

hope this is ok! i am working on the samples for my 3rd assessment piece.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Module 3 Final paperwork

These are all self explanatory!!! Although the colour range is quite interesting!