Sunday, 31 May 2015

Getting there but still a long way to go

i have to decide on my hanging mechanism for the piece I am submitting for SWTG exhibition 'Imprints' at Taunton Museum in October so i was playing around with what i have completed so far. to recap i am making lace braille from newsprint and other relevant materials related to Joseph Neal Sewell's shoes in the museum.
paper, textile and leather spots stitched to newspaper. 
after stitching the newsprint removed between the stitch lines.
the piece will be the height of Joseph, approximately 7' 4" and 2'6" wide when finished. because his life story in braille will amount to four of these sizes i will have four hanging one in front of the other to give some idea of body size.
as it was too difficult to make one piece all in one i am making four pieces and joining them for each large panel but to see what it will look like i have been playing with the four smaller pieces first.
four pieces hanging together
its great having a room that is in the throws of being decorated with no furniture or pictures on the walls. ladders are useful! originally i was planning to attach each panel to an acrylic rod but the one at the back i have was bowing so i am thinking of stainless which is more in keeping with the shoes which have metal buckles.
a scattering of dots
once the four panels were joined i played around and quite like this mess of dots. i have now finished one panel - three more to go!