not being entirely happy with my previous samples i decided to try something Sian had suggested which was to print on patterned fabric. i also went back to the above pattern for inspiration. i decided to use stencils again using the above street graffiti, which i think belongs to BT, along with arrow shapes and other stencil patterns from tags. and guess what i found some tartan in just the right colour combination. it took the stencils and Stewart Gill paints beautifully. i then embellished areas with beads and cross stitches. i am not a great one for over complicated design, i often think the simpler things work better, so i decided to leave it there. i think there is something of the wild west about this now! i see cacti.
it was then cut up and re-arranged i have been playing around with slotting together some of the cut outs. it is here i go back to the rabbits (if anyone can remember a previous post)! i can see a rabbit monster with two pointy ears holding onto his dog who is cocking his leg in the air! i am off to Edinburgh tomorrow for a couple of weeks so i intend to investigate a few tartans while i am there! not to mention the Fringe festival.when i return i will tell you what i have done with the rabbit!
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