still working slowly with the baby dresses, above using Ko i nor dyes Sian suggested holding areas up to the light, so i draped one over my lamp so i could see all the layers a bit like an x ray (husband said 'oh you're going to burn the house down'!) so the above and below are straight drawings through a light source then i got the Quink out (do they still make it?)and worked quickly looking at creases and tucks finally a rubbing over a sleeve on tissuetex with a wax crayon, would love to try the idea of pressing in damp paper. Now to finish making felt!
i haven't really done much of this but made a start the other day with some old baby dresses that apparently i once wore! i can see that embroidery is really good for this project but i am hoping to get to draw some inner construction, labels and seams soon!
wow! this is going to be a long one! Section C Exercise 1 was the formation of graded 3D shapes, working with simple shapes all of the same size, manipulating and connecting them in some way. #1 i used thick water colour paper with rectangular shapes and gradually curled an edge, connecting them with staples #2 and 3 i used the same rectangular shape but curled and de-laminated the paper more with each step this was connected with string tied between each step with loops. #4 i used tracing paper, again with a rectangle and linking each with string. each was gradually twisted more tightly. #5 and 6 was worked with tracing paper again and rectangles. each was folded in half and stapled at the sides to make a pocket, then they were gradually opened and folded with a creases in the middle. hanging up by the connecting string Exercise 2 was to rip/cut several simple shapes and then divide it into two again and work with each shape separately (positive and negative) #7 and 8 were with negative shapes and the aim was to make an undulating 'caterpillar'. #7 the pieces were connected with double sided tape and a spacer while #8 were threaded with metal wire. #9 and 10 are the positive shapes folded and connected with shop tags. they look a bit Elizabethan ruff like. Exercise 2 using colour and 3D shape. for this i went back to my 'R's' and stuck the yellow to the purple so they were double sided, joining up the graded yellows with the purples. i wanted again to make a sort of 'caterpillar' and found an old spiral for binding and stuck the 'R's' upright in the slots. i used 3 different sizes. somehow from a distance they look quite bird like all with open beaks. the following are various viewpoints. #5 changing the positioning #6 i then decided to fold them and linked them together in various ways #9 is working with the smaller 'R's linking them into shapes. i have found this chapter quite long to do! but this is possibly due to my lack of spare time at the moment however i hope i can now make some felt!