Saturday, 14 May 2011

Chapter 3 Part 3 in reverse order!

this is just an interim report and in reverse order! it will eventually over the next few days consist of 3 posts so when my tutor sees them she can read through from start to finish without having to go backwards. at least that's my wonderful plan!!! so for those of you (if any) are reading this one first Chapter 3 is all about choosing a flower with the intention of developing a 'slip' design. not the kind of slip you put on pots but a small textile motif made to be applied to another textile. i have chosen tulips.
#16 above shows my bunch of tulips towards the end of their life. the outlines have been drawn with a kebab stick and/or a brush and aqua wax and once dry i have applied water colour washes.

#17 detail of #16!
#18 i have used an actual petal as a mask with chalk to produce a random pattern
#19 more aqua wax
#20 detail of #16
Part 3 of the chapter has asked for decorated papers based on the chosen flower. there are many stripes and striations in tulips, especially the older they get and more dried up the petals are. so many of my papers are stripey!
#1 A4 piece of tracing paper coloured with acrylic ink with strips of torn tissue stuck down. it crinkles beautifully when dry.
#2 using aqua wax drawn with the kebab stick, then acrylic ink, fabric paint and chalk applied.
#3 A3 stripes of watery watercolour with fabric paint and varnish applied with a roller to give a squidgy appearance!
#4 and the next one down. i have used my by now dead tulips as masks and sprayed the paper. i have left it very plain as i can see it has potential for applying 'slips' to.

#5 A3 i cut a stencil from one of the aqua wax drawings and randomly stencilled using fabric paints, white gesso and water colour.
#6 A3 not sure about this one. again i used the tulips as random masks and sprayed the background. i then took some dead petals as masks with chalk and finger smudged them. however i think they look more like bananas than petals! it might be useful! and of course i have got to the end of this and realised i have left one off!! well planed that one


  1. So creative ... they're wonderful. I actually like the last one!

  2. Numbers 5 and 17 are my favourites, but it's a close call - they're all worth a second look in their own right.

  3. Stunning work Anne.Tulips are so wonderful in all their guises.
