Every time i prepare work to send to Sian i get a cold! does that tell me something or am i being stupid! anyway to cheer me up i am going back to rabbits and my graffiti tangent. a few posts ago i said i could see a rabbit walking his dog in the above textile piece. and as graffiti has many monsters i decided to make my own. first i made the dog based on a graffiti tag 'feed me'. i stencilled the design onto undyed linen, cut, stitched, padded and embellished with quartz crystal pee and voila! meet Maximilian and 'Feed me'. Maximilian is wearing Devon tartan trews woven at Coldharbour mill in Uffculme.They sell many things in their shop but i bet this is the weirdest thing made from the fabric! i was hoping to take my little monsters with me to Edinburgh for photo shoots around various sights but couldn't squash them into my bag, so they stayed at home with Bunny the cat and had a fine time.do you think i could use them for my 3D functional piece!
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