Saturday 31 August 2013

a few summer holiday extras

when i sprayed my net for the windmills i protected my work surface with newspaper and i have been playing with the resulting sheets.
 i love the voids created where the net was and rather than throw this paper away i have cut it up into strips and been playing with 'books'.
the one in the middle with the really curly pages i placed in resin to see how it would react.
i have used fairly conventional stitching but have also played with metal so they can be bent into shape.
as in this one above and below
and also playing with cut outs as below

all the strips started out 2.5cm wide, some folded once and others more so they are tiny. still playing!


  1. Anne great to see your little books. Have been musing on shapes for my Module 4 sample and have been considering tapes and fan/shell ideas so lovely to see yours!
